

// Meet the founder of Lisa Says Gah, a woman celebrating us.


Lisa, a modern like ‘Athena’, whom great ability to see the empty space of nowadays fashion industry and to develop successful strategies created the platform Lisa Says Gah, working both as an e-commerce of selected mindful designers and a blog of interviews, muses and cinema.
For this #soapmuse we had the pleasure of meeting the talented Lisa Buhler, founder @Lisasaysgah. She really filled a gap in Today’s scene, presenting clothes with a certain unique touch for a certain special woman, contemporary, smart and with an intellectual twist.
A sensitive sense of fashion, representing what it means to be women today.
When I first got to know Lisa Says Gah  its authenticity was almost too much to handle: this platform blew my mind and I finally had the pleasure to ask Lisa how she did it.


Amanda. What is Gah to Lisa?
Lisa. To me, “Gah!” is an expression of shock in a good way. It can be whatever really, but for us at LSG, it’s that something you can’t put your finger on, that got to have it feeling. So everything we present has us saying “Gah!” first.

Amanda. And who is is Lisa in three words?
Lisa. Proprietor, curator, photographer.

Amanda. How did you start your career in fashion? How did everything begin?
Lisa. I started as a “rep” in wholesale sales representing designers in a multi-brand showroom. I worked closely with designers and buyers in that job. During that time, I started a lookbook business as I began to style and produce lookbooks for our designers in the showroom. Then I became more interested in the curation and presentation over sales and jumped over to work for Nasty Gal as a buyer. One thing leads to the next!

Amanda. How was working for Nasty Gal? How did That experience helped you with what you do today?
Lisa. My career began at Nasty Gal. I had some great experience prior, but it was the first job outside of lookbook production that I truly loved. From brilliant and cool peers to supportive bosses and room to grow, I learned so much and grew up with Nasty Gal. I am forever grateful for that experience and the relationships built during that time. As an early employee to Nasty Gal, I also saw how quickly a company could grow and the pains that come with that. I’m mindful about that pace I’d like LSG to grow.

Amanda. Seeing your website, which I started loving once I bumped into it about one year and a half ago, you immediately perceive a certain familiarity.
The models seem our friends, the muses our beloved ones, the garments look like something we desire and is already belonging to us at the same time.
How does a garment or an accessory connect to you personally in your life? How does a ‘thing’ become an integral part of a person?
Lisa. Fashion is a mood that is ever changing and a garment or accessory mirror that. So objects reflect the current state of mind. Think of what were you wearing at the different points in your life. We buy things for the shop that reflect our current desires and mood.

Amanda. Authenticity seems to be the fundamental constant and an unique side of LSG. In a world where everyone’s is ‘copying’ everyone else and being simply yourself is getting harder and harder, your e- commerce stands out. What is it exactly is taken to be an authentic brand today?
Lisa. Being authentic and true to one’s vision is just to ask that question over and over when in doubt. Is this us? Will the gah girls of the world need this, want this? Of course, those needs and wants are ever changing but the bottom line vision stays consistent, and I suppose that’s just ingrained in the team and me as it sometimes goes unnoticed. We operate on instinct and isn’t that the most real and authentic process..?

Amanda. Three must-have accessories which would make every woman scream ‘GAH’.
Lisa. A meaningful piece of jewellery, gorgeous investment shoes, and a simple tote bag.

Amanda. What does being a powerful woman in 2017 stand for?
Lisa. You know what they say: “it’s better to give than to receive!” A little less self-care craze and more care for others. We are living in the generation of “me” and I hope we can shift that to “us” by being better listeners and caretakers of not just ourselves but those around us. We are in our heads too much and need to open our minds to listen and learn. Muse Monday on LSG make me so happy- to share someone’s story and make their day. I love connecting people and sharing truths.

Amanda. Any advice you would give to a young woman willing to start her business in fashion?
Lisa. Finances will become more important over time, so don’t worry about that at the start. Ya know, just do it and figure out the hard stuff as they become roadblocks- one thing at a time.

Amanda. Let’s face it. Online retailers are becoming more and more powerful while physical spaces get more boring day after day. How is retail going to change with times? What do you see coming next?
There must be a way to make physical retail cool again!
Lisa. So true. Well, I believe retailers can offer more offline experiences, like events, every so often to allow for some IRL brand/customer interaction. Teaming with conferences, panels and pop-ups are an avenue worth taking.

Amanda. A contemporary film director, retail store, and artist who enlightened your day lately.
Lisa. I turn to our Film Fridays for inspiration. I just went to Georgia O’Keefes museum in Santa Fe and connected with the warmth, simplicity and modern woman that she was. As far as a store, who doesn’t love a museum gift shop- I wanted everything in that Georgia O’keefe house.


THANKS TO LISA AND LISA SAYS GAH that keep filling our days with some authentic uniqueness, reminding us that the future is more about the ‘US’ than the ‘ME’.

Meet Lisa Says Gah here and here!
All images by Maria Del Rio.

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